Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Homemade Apple Juice & Pork Tenderloin

I accidentally made homemade apple juice yesterday and it was the most genius thing I have ever done. I had bought a bunch of fruit to blend up and put in Syd's new super fantastic rocket-pop molds. The bag of organic Fuji apples was a steal at $5 so I went for it. Now, as you may or may not know, you really don't need much liquid to make a popsicle. So, after I had made 3 different fruit concoctions I was left with about 5 apples. I was also left with raspberries and pineapple, but I will eat those. Oddly, the idea of just eating an apple is not one that I am too fond of. I love the flavor of apple, but I never just eat them whole. Realistically, these 5 apples were going to sit in my fridge until they became brown, mushy and altogether vile.

I threw caution to the wind and chopped them up, threw them in the blender with some water and voila... apple juice. I left the blender on for a good while to liquefy it and added even more water during the process. When I poured it into a glass it tasted like watery apple juice. But i thought to myself great! less sugar and more water for Syd. But then something magical happened, this fabulous juice sat in my fridge for an hour or so. Amazingly it oxidized into that fabulous dark brown color of real apple juice and got significantly sweeter. It is SOOOOOO freakin' yummy, it should be illegal for me to post this.

Even Mr. Chris said it was good, and he likes to mock my organic eating, home made fruit juice making butt, but even he was convinced on this one. I will tell yall one thing, for me to convince him that organic or homemade is better, I usually also have to make it cheaper too. So if you are reading this thinking that I'm some crunchy momma who has money to burn on fancy ingredients and overpriced organic non-sense you are way past wrong. The trick to it all is less ingredients and less steps. The closer it is to its original state the better and the more affordable. Also, knowing when organic makes a difference and when it doesn't. My one biggest thing is dairy. Please, all 13 people who read this, switch to organic dairy. All that means is milk, cheese and butter. You won't break the bank, but you will benefit greatly. All toxins and medications (the hormones & antibiotics that they give cows) are stored in the fat cells. The same fat cells they make your butter, milk and cheese from. You can get organic butter, milk and cheese in nearly every grocery store these days. It's one tiny change, don't fight it.

Ok, and for all those people that I totally freaked out by my orange cheese rant, I have good news. If you look on the back of your cheese packaging and the coloring ingredient is annatto, then you are safe. Annatto is an all natural coloring made from the pulp around the seed of the achiote plant. If you do not see annatto it is artificially colored, period. Sorry for not including this is the original post, wink wink.

Any who, so what did I do with all this fantastic apple juice you ask. I let little Miss Sydney drink it and I marinate my pork tenderloin in it. Pork tenderloin marinade goes a little like this. Pork tenderloin goes into zip lock bag, then pour enough apple juice in to cover it. Grate 3 garlic cloves into the bag and one half a jalapeño, or a whole jalapeño if you are feeling saucy! Ole! Cracked black pepper, a splash of olive oil and a splash of vinegar go in that baby as well. Get all the air out and then zip it up and fridge it. Put it in a bowl in case later that night you are sleep walking with a toothpick and you accidentally poke a hole in the bag. Now you feel like a genius because all that raw pork marinade is in the bowl and not all over your fridge. You genius sleepwalker you. Yes I marinated mine over night, but if you only have 30 minutes that is ok too.

Now if you want the rest of the pork tenderloin recipe you gotta read the next post, because I still have to go home and make that bad boy. I just marinated him last night. Twenty bucks says my apple juice will be even better today than it was yesterday. Sweeeeet!


  1. We love our juicer. Just made cantaloupe carrot rocket pops & mango carrot rocket pops.

    I will be trying this pork tenderloin fo sho.
