Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Green Eggs and Ham

This is one is awesome!!! I discovered this on accident.

Hard boil some eggs. If you don't know how to hard boil an egg, don't worry, you are not alone. Here it is... put enough water in a pot to cover the eggs, put in the eggs, put on the stove, turn on heat. Simple right? Wait, you aren't done yet. Once the water comes to a rolling boil, continue cooking for 10 minutes. To be completely honest I have never in my life timed the eggs, I wing it every time. I never even test my eggs, I just guess the time and hope for the best. Hasn't failed me yet. Thus, you will be fine, I swear. When you pull them off the stove put the pot in the sink and run cold water over it for a good minute or so to stop the cooking. Just let this sit in the sink in cold water while you do the rest.

Put some frozen peas into a microwave safe dish, add a little water and microwave for 1 minute. Drain the peas and put onto a cutting board. Get a sharp knife, preferably a wide one and chop up the peas as finely as you can. Don't get all stressed out about this, just take your aggression out on the peas. Then chop up some thinly sliced deli ham, I like honey baked, but use whatever you got.

Now the eggs should have cooled. Peel and rough chop em. Toss eggs, peas and ham into a bowl, add a pinch of salt (not much, the ham is already salty) and a big pinch of fresh cracked black pepper. If you like add a tiny squeeze of mayo and mustard, I do this on a case by case basis. If my egg yolks are on the softer side they do the trick for moisture, however if they come out on the dryer side I add mayo and mustard.

Stir all this together and feed to your kids, yourself, your dogs. It is super cool looking and super yummy. This version of green eggs and ham was discovered as an accident of poverty, but I love it to death.

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